Every challenge is an opportunity in disguise! Let’s not wait for opportunities to knock on your doors, let’s create them!

As an entrepreneur coach, business strategy coach, business development coach, and leadership coach, I offer a comprehensive approach to your personal and professional growth


Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed? I hear you. It's common to hit a plateau at some point. If you're feeling stuck or lost, or just want to take your life to the next level, I can help.

My coaching programs are designed to help you identify the roadblocks that are holding you back, and then come up with a plan to overcome them.


At Empowering Consulting, I help you unlock your unique potential and achieve your goals by providing business and leadership coaching. I am a firm believer in setting smart goals that align with your values and vision for the future. I will create a roadmap for success that is tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

If you're considering hiring a coach, it's important to understand the impact that coaching can have on your life. As a coach I will impact:

  • Your mindset : I will help you overcome limiting beliefs and develop a growth mindset.

  • Your behavior : I will provide guidance and accountability to help you make positive changes in your life.

  • Your skills : I will help you develop new skills and enhance existing ones to help you achieve your goals.

Whether you're a seasoned executive or just starting out, I will provide you with the flexibility and guidance you need to reach your full potential. Together, we'll work to identify your strengths, overcome your challenges, and create a personalized action plan to help you achieve your goals. Let's unleash your inner badass together!


They say…
