Grateful for Hard

I'm really grateful for how tough this year was for me.

You never would have caught me saying that six-nine months ago, I was in the trenches and ready to quit my business. Yes, I almost gave up this year. Not because business was bad, but because business was HARD and lonely.

At the beginning of this year I had some family stuff come up and I had to juggle a lot! Me being the independent (the word is stubborn if you ask my husband 🤣) person I am, I took on all of it. In order for me to do that I had to shove, and I mean SHOVE, all my feelings to the side and push forward.

I'm a type A person so give me a list and I will crush it! But ask me to sit with my feelings and my response would have been "I don't have time for that".

God/The universe had other plans. They put me through the really tough family stuff to break that exterior wall down and force me to deal with all the feels.

I was emotionally drained, not taking care of myself the way I should of, my business felt hard even though my revenue was record breaking, and I felt like I was on an island by myself. I was ready to throw the towel in.

It was in those moments when I had a decision to make. I could run away from everything, quit my business and get a job. Or I could face my challenges, choose to stay through the hard, feel the feelings, master the mind (again), and come out stronger.

I choose to stick it out, and thankful I did. I have been blessed to work with so many amazing people and businesses this year! 2022 has been our most successful year yet!

We get to help business owners fine tune their businesses, create the revenue they want, develop growth opportunities, have the tools they need to be successful, help their teams with communication, culture, leadership, processes... and we get to walk beside them the entire way so they know they are not alone in the journey!

Morale of the story is, even if it feels tough or out of reach, if you give up you will never get to where you want to be.

Choose hard, because the reward is unbelievable!

AND remember, you don't have to do it alone.

Lindsey Leuschen

PS. Want to know what coaching can do for you and your business? Message me to schedule a free consultation. I would LOVE to hear about where you are and where you want to be.

Lindsey Leuschen