Enough to Authentic

Anyone else choose a word for the year? Mine for this year started out as ENOUGH and has shifted into AUTHENTIC. Yes, you can change your word at any time, I give you permission :-) At the beginning of the year I felt like I had something to prove: my value, that I belonged in the room, my knowledge, my experience mattered...I just didn't feel like I was enough.

I had to do some soul searching and figure out how I was going to create what I wanted. For me that meant I needed to stop hustling and start being super intentional. It meant that I needed to take time to rest, reset, and find ways to connect or ground myself. I created tighter boundaries and and kept them. I also asked myself the question I ask all my clients, "How do I define success?"

I put the work in and started showing up the way I wanted. AUTHENTICALLY me.

True change comes from within. It could be happiness, joy, mindset, health...no one can do the work for you.

What's your word going to be?



Lindsey Leuschen