How to deal with Burnout at Work

You aren’t the only one going through this. As Forbes quoted; Over four million American workers quit their jobs each month in 2022 and 43% of middle managers reported burnout—more than any other worker group, due to office burnouts.

Have you ever felt like a marathon runner stuck in quicksand, desperately trying to break free from burnout? Or have you ever thought your enthusiasm for work or life decided to play hide-and-seek, leaving you in a maze of 'meh' and showing signs of a burnout? Imagine one day waking up, already daydreaming about bedtime, and wondering if life is an endless day of fatigue caused by work burnout. Do you remember a situation when your once-shiny optimism got a little rusty, and you found yourself using sarcasm as a shield against the symptoms of burnout? Was it hard to see your productivity take an unexpected vacation, leaving a trail of unfinished tasks like a confetti party gone wrong, all while battling symptoms of burnout? Or was it scary to feel emotionally disconnected from things that once lit up your world, a telltale sign of a burnout?

You aren’t the only one going through this. As Forbes quoted; Over four million American workers quit their jobs each month in 2022 and 43% of middle managers reported burnout—more than any other worker group, due to office burnouts. So tell me, Have you ever asked yourself, 'What is burnout, and why am I feeling this way?' as you contemplated giving up and escaping work burnout?

Therapists define burnout as more than just feeling "stressed out" or "having a bad day." It's like standing at the edge of a cliff, with an overwhelming sense of burnout threatening to push you over. It's the kind of exhaustion that seeps into your bones, leaving you wondering if you've become the world's first human sloth, experiencing the classic burnout symptoms. Imaging you find yourself staring blankly at the coffee maker, wondering if it's secretly a time machine that can fast-forward to the weekend. In the therapist's world, burnout is akin to an emotional earthquake, shaking your foundations and making you question your purpose and accomplishments.

How to identify a burnout

How to identify a burnout entails deciphering a intricate tapestry of physical, emotional, and mental cues that reveal a state of prolonged fatigue stemming from excessive stress. It's akin to finding oneself entangled in an emotional tempest, where each gust distances you further from the once-vibrant version of yourself. Allow us to unravel these subtle indicators for you.

Experiencing persistent weariness and lethargy, even after obtaining sufficient rest.

  1. Encountering emotional depletion, accompanied by irritability and oscillating moods.

  2. Witnessing a waning inclination toward activities that were once a source of enjoyment, leading to declining levels of productivity.

  3. Developing a pessimistic and detached demeanor toward work and life, leading to emotional disengagement.

  4. Sensing a profound dissatisfaction and disconnection from professional pursuits, despite prior contentment.

  5. Encountering difficulties in sustaining focus, decision-making, and memory recall.

  6. Confronting an escalation of physical health concerns, manifesting as recurrent illnesses, digestive disturbances, or sleep disruptions.

  7. Prioritizing external obligations over personal well-being, resulting in the inadvertent neglect of self-care practices.

  8. Adopting a reclusive stance, seeking solitude, and distancing oneself from social interactions as a defense mechanism.

How to come out from a burnout

Well, fear not! Burnout may be a formidable foe, but it's not the end of your story. Take a breather, infuse your days with laughter, and let's embark on a journey to conquer that sneaky burnout beast together. We'll reignite that spark and find effective ways to manage work burnout, and you'll rise like a phoenix from the ashes of stress, ready to embrace life with renewed vigor!

  1. Psychoeducation: Educating individuals about burnout, its causes, and its impact can be empowering. Understanding the factors contributing to burnout can help individuals recognize early warning signs and take preventive measures. Psychoeducation can be delivered through workshops, online resources, or informational materials.

  2. Resilience Training: Resilience training programs focus on developing skills and techniques to bounce back from stress and adversity. These programs teach individuals how to cultivate positive emotions, enhance problem-solving abilities, and build effective coping mechanisms to navigate challenging situations and reduce burnout.

  3. Job Crafting: Job crafting involves proactively redefining and customizing one's work tasks and responsibilities to better align with personal strengths and values. By seeking opportunities for growth and autonomy, individuals can find more fulfillment and satisfaction in their work, reducing burnout.

  4. Mindful Movement Practices: Apart from traditional mindfulness practices like meditation, mindful movement practices, such as tai chi and qigong, also promote relaxation and stress reduction. These activities combine physical movement with mindfulness, promoting a sense of centeredness and improved overall well-being.

  5. Expressive Writing: Engaging in expressive writing, such as journaling or writing about emotional experiences, has been shown to have therapeutic benefits. Writing about emotions and stressors can help individuals process their feelings, gain insights, and reduce emotional exhaustion associated with burnout.

  6. Leisure Activities and Hobbies: Engaging in leisure activities and hobbies outside of work provides a much-needed break from stressors and can improve overall well-being. Pursuing hobbies that bring joy and relaxation can act as a buffer against burnout.

  7. Time Off and Vacation: Taking regular breaks and utilizing vacation time is crucial in preventing burnout. Vacations provide an opportunity to recharge, disconnect from work-related stressors, and return to work with renewed energy and focus.

  8. Gratitude Practices: Practicing gratitude by regularly expressing appreciation for positive aspects of life can improve emotional well-being and resilience. Gratitude exercises, such as keeping a gratitude journal or expressing gratitude to others, can promote a positive outlook and mitigate burnout.

  9. Nature Exposure: Spending time in nature has been found to have therapeutic effects on mental well-being. Nature exposure, whether through hiking, gardening, or simply spending time in a park, can reduce stress, enhance mood, and improve cognitive function. Incorporating regular nature breaks into your routine may help alleviate burnout symptoms.

  10. Social Connection Interventions: Beyond general social support, specific interventions that focus on enhancing social connections can be beneficial. Interventions like "Social Baseline Theory" encourage individuals to increase positive social interactions, fostering a sense of support and reducing feelings of burnout.

  11. Graded Exposure to Stressors: Gradually exposing oneself to stressors in a controlled manner, called "graded exposure," can help build resilience over time. By incrementally facing challenging situations, individuals can develop better coping mechanisms and reduce the impact of stress on burnout.

  12. Sleep Hygiene: Prioritizing good sleep hygiene practices, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and limiting exposure to screens before sleep, can significantly improve sleep quality and reduce burnout-related fatigue.

  13. Creative Arts Therapies: Engaging in creative arts therapies, such as art therapy, music therapy, or dance/movement therapy, can provide a unique outlet for expressing emotions and reducing burnout. These therapies offer a non-verbal way to explore and process feelings related to stress and burnout.

  14. Savoring Positive Experiences: Practicing the art of savoring positive experiences involves deliberately focusing on and prolonging positive emotions. By fully immersing yourself in positive moments, you can counterbalance the negative effects of stress and enhance overall well-being.

  15. Breathwork and Biofeedback: Techniques that focus on breathwork and biofeedback can help individuals gain better control over their physiological responses to stress. These practices can improve relaxation, reduce physical tension, and promote a sense of calm, helping to combat burnout.

  16. Mindful Eating: Mindful eating involves being fully present and attentive during meals, paying attention to taste, texture, and the act of eating itself. By practicing mindful eating, individuals can reduce stress-related emotional eating and develop a healthier relationship with food.

And there you have it, folks! The burnout buster's guide - your ultimate roadmap to conquering that pesky "burnout" monster and regaining your inner sparkle! Let's decode this enigmatic creature and arm ourselves with the know-how to deal with "burnout" like a pro! From mindfulness magic to resilience rocket fuel, we've got the scientifically proven strategies to tackle burnout head-on.

In short, set those boundaries, people! We're talking work-life harmony, not work-life warzone! Take time to recharge, indulge in hobbies, and show stress the door! Remember, social support is our superhero sidekick against burnout. Connect with pals, share your "burnout" tales, and feel that camaraderie lift your spirits! Step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and let nature work its wonders on those "burnout" blues! Get your creative juices flowing! Dance, paint, or write those "burnout" blues away! Creative arts can be like a magic potion for your weary soul. Oh, and remember, sleep is not a suggestion; it's a superpower! Prioritize those Zzz's and bid "burnout symptoms" goodbye! It's time to kick "burnout" to the curb with style! Don your cape of resilience and unleash the power of positivity. Savor those little moments, and let gratitude be your superpower! And if you ever find yourself in the "burnout" labyrinth, reach out for support like a true superhero! Seek guidance, talk it out, and let others be your sidekicks in this adventure!

So there you have it, the ultimate "burnout" survival guide.

At Empowering Consulting, we believe that even the most exceptional corporate individuals need a guiding hand when faced with the challenges of burnout. Our executive coaching program is tailor-made to help top-class professionals navigate the treacherous waters of burnout and rediscover their inner drive. Through one-on-one sessions, we delve deep into the root causes of burnout, unlocking insights and empowering our clients with powerful strategies to conquer this formidable foe. From stress-busting techniques to work-life balance mastery, our seasoned coaches provide unwavering support and personalized guidance. With our unique blend of expertise and compassion, we aim to rejuvenate spirits, rekindle motivation, and equip our clients with the tools they need to thrive both personally and professionally. At Empowering Consulting, we're here to empower you to overcome burnout and shine brighter than ever before. Together, let's unlock the path to success and well-being!

Lindsey Leuschen