Being Heard and Feeling Valued

I don’t know about you but if someone tells me what to do and I’m not in the right mindset, or this person hasn’t earned my respect, my immediate response is “you are NOT the boss of me”. I realize that this comes off childish and I probably shouldn’t say it out loud, but chances are if I feel this way so are others.

There is a lesson here for everyone. Whether you are a business owner, leader, sales rep, a parent… if someone isn’t in the right mindset to hear what you have to say, or if it’s not coming from a place of service and love, it’s not going to be heard the way it was intended.

Think about it, do you have a team member that struggles with instruction or underperforms? Are you kiddos rebellious and disobedient? Are your customers not buying what your selling or shut down through your sales process?

Here’s where you need to check yourself.

1.) I bet if this is happening to you, you are doing more talking than listening. Active listening, no just listening to respond. Really get curious on what they are saying and ask questions to add to the conversation. You are not the only person with great ideas.

2.) The person you are giving instruction to does not have buy in to what you want them to do. Are you asking them for their input? Or are you focused on there only being one way of doing it? You can still get the same results you want with different paths.

3.) Are you in the trenches with them? If you want them to respect and follow you, you have to be willing to put in the time and effort. Meet them where they are and walk together.

Being heard and feeling valued goes a long way!


Lindsey Leuschen