Stuck? You need to decide

The number one reason why someone feels stuck is because they have a decision that needs to be made. Your brain is stuck in-between two possibilities and not able to move forward because you haven’t decided. You can keep contemplating what you should be doing, or you can make a decision and move forward.

I know what you are thinking, “Lindsey, that’s easier said than done”. I 100% agree with you! However, once you are able to make quicker decisions it does come easier each time. Trust me, helping people make decisions is one of my super powers.

Here’s where you need to start:

1.) Figure out what your options are. Write it out on paper so you can visually see them.

2.) Next you are going to do a quick risk analysis. What are the pros and cons of each decision. Play out the best outcome and the worst case senecios. Are there any outcomes that just aren’t acceptable, i.e. death?

3.) This is going to be a tough step…what does your gut say? Your intuition, inner voice, the universe, God…all of these are way more powerful than you give it credit. Does one stand out more than the others? Circle it.

4.) Are any of these decisions going to cost you too much time or money? Can you justify the expense?


6.) Trust yourself and the decision you made. No matter what happens you made the right call and no matter the outcome you are going to be just fine! You can always course correct as you are moving forward.

This process shouldn’t take months, weeks, or even hours. Decisiveness grows with each decision you make. It gets easier and easier!

Remind yourself that staying stuck is not an option. Take some action and move forward.

You’ve got this!


PS. I love working with clients on communication, systems, solutions, and problem solving. We build relationships, confidence, processes, strategy, clarity, and overcome challenges! If any of this resonates with you, let’s chat!

Lindsey Leuschen