Communication is Key

If you are feeling stressed in your business or job, I’m going to take an educated guess that you may not be communicating the way you should. I’m not just talking about professional communication (boss, team, co-workers, downline…), I’m also talking about your home life (kids, spouse, faith).

I'm a doer. I love to jump right in and get things done. I don't need ALL the details, I'll figure it out. This isn't always a good thing. The problem is when I get into this type of action I have a tendency to just do everything myself. It’s much faster this way, right?

As great as my leadership skills are, sometimes when I get focused on just doing, I become so driven by the outcome that I forget some of the soft skills every business owner and leader should have. I become so action focused my communication suffers. My team does not feel empowered. AND I tend to stress myself out because I take on too much.

Awareness is the first step to alleviating this stress. Then take a pulse on how you have been communicating lately.

Now take a look at your workload.

Are you delegating or are you focused on just doing? Does it make sense to assign some of this to someone else?

Are you saying yes to things you shouldn’t be? It’s a privilege to be on your calendar. Are you making sure you are setting and keeping those boundaries?

Are you being transparent with your team and leaders on what actually needs to happen or what you can actually accomplish without burning yourself or your team out?

Communication is one of the main pillars in my coaching practice. It’s the foundation for success. If you are struggling with stress and communication reach out for a free call to get some clarity on what to do next!




Lindsey Leuschen