Work/Life Balance = Boundaries & Time Management

Let's talk balance, and let me tell you that I chuckled when I wrote that! There is no such thing as perfect balance. I wish there was some magic formula, or tool to give you the right amount of work/life balance, but it just doesn't exist. What does exist is finding the right balance for you.

In 2008 I was completely upside down and working 60+ hours a week. I had a high demanding job, and I was managing a team of 14. My kids were two years old and six months at the time, and I knew that making it home for baths and bedtime wasn't enough for me. That's when I knew I had to figure out how to find more balance. In the end, it was all about setting boundaries and managing my time better.

I worked the long days because I assumed that was the expectations of the job.

I said yes to things that I shouldn't have, I wanted to prove I was the right person for that job. Maybe a little of imposter syndrome there.

I didn't do a good job of managing my work time or being intentional.

I took on way to many projects, I wanted people to come to me for everything.

I felt like no one could do it as good as me, my OCD and perfectionism at work there.

I never reached out for help, my pride or expectations I placed on myself got in the way.

I answered calls and emails on off hours, no boundaries what so ever.

The list goes on and on. I bet a lot of you can relate!

When I figured out that you can't have balance without boundaries, my whole world changed.

The definition of boundaries is something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent; a limit that you put in place to protect your well-being.

Something that is put in place to protect your well-being. My well-being was out not even considered when I was working all those stressful hours. I kept going, non stop, until I just didn't have anything else to give. Some call this burn out.

So, what did I change? I took a look at my calendar and told myself that any event or activity that was scheduled has to be something that I was a "hell yes" to. It was a privilege to be on my calendar and if I wasn't excited about it (and it wasn't absolutely necessary) I would say no.

So how does that translate to work? When a project would come up or a meeting invite would hit my email, I would pause and ask myself "does it really make sense for me to say yes".

If someone was standing in front of me asking me for something or to do something, I would pause and say "great question, is it okay if I take a few minutes to see if I can make it work and get back to you?". I stopped saying yes right away, gave myself some time to process and decide if it made sense, and then respond.

The feeling of overwhelm comes into play when you don't feel like you have control. One way to gain that control is to set healthy boundaries. You get to decide how you spend your time. You get to decide what is important enough to make it on your calendar.

When you put healthy boundaries into place, you are going to feel so much more balanced!


PS. If you are struggling and want some help finding some balance or putting boundaries in place, let’s chat. I love helping my clients live their best lives! I offer a complimentary call so you can learn more. Just click on the link below to schedule yours.

Lindsey Leuschen