Fear of Failure

I am a HUGE failure, and I’m proud of it.

I know what you are thinking, “why would she be proud of such a bold statement?” It’s because it means I’m in the game. I’m not sitting on the sidelines wondering what if or dreaming about how things could turn out.

I did that for a long time. Had all these great ideas but never acted on them.

I was scared that it wouldn’t work. I feared failure, but what’s more impactful here is that I feared being successful. I put myself in this little box and was afraid to play big for the fear of what that would mean.

To me, being big meant I had to put a lot of time and effort in. I had to hustle and work harder than anyone else. I would have to make sacrifices that would impact my family. I bet many of you can relate to this! Wanting more, but afraid of what that would look like. Or feeling selfish because you have it pretty good now.

So, let me set the record straight, this simply isn’t true! You can be big and still do it on your terms. You can have more and not be crazy for wanting it!

Because I drummed up all of these thoughts of what it would mean to play big, I made a choice to be small. To not take action so I couldn’t fail.

It wasn’t until I was called to do something bigger than my failure that I found the courage to take action. I learned quickly that failure could equal learning.  What is something that could be bigger than your fear of failure?

It is IMPOSSIBLE to succeed without failure. It is IMPOSSIBLE to try something new and not have bumps in the road. So why not make the most out of your failure!

There are two types of failure:

1.) Productive

2.) Unproductive

Productive failure is when you take action - fail - learn from the failure - then take more action.

Unproductive failure is when you take ZERO action or quick after you fail - live in FEAR - or tell yourself a story about what the failure means about you.

I productively fail (and once in a while unproductively fail) so much in my business and in my life, but failure is the path to SUCCESS! Failure is you not sitting on the sidelines, you are actually in the game.

Failure is you becoming the best version of you.

Failure is you taking calculated risks to follow your dreams and make a better future.

Failure is getting out of your own way and going for it, not letting the excuses be bigger than the dream.

Lindsey Leuschen

PS. Want some help moving forward or finding clarity and a plan? Let’s chat!




Lindsey Leuschen