Process Rebel

I never thought I was systems person. Ask me what my processes was and I would say “I don’t have one”, and was kind of proud of it. Like I was rebelling against the man. I don’t like being told what to do, even by myself. Yes, saying that out loud made me laugh too!

Have you ever walked into the grocery store or when to Target and was like “why did they put this here?” or “This doesn’t make sense” or “I could totally organize this section so much better than it is.” You might be a systems person!

What I really learned was that I had all sorts of processes, I just didn’t write them down to make it “official”. I knew the big picture of what had to happen, but it was pretty possible that it wouldn’t look the same every time. I found that during this period of time I didn’t give myself the right tools to learn and grow. Are you holding yourself back the same way?

The problem with not having a written out process or system is that you can’t figure out where things went wrong. You can’t figure out where the break down is happening or what may be missing. You can’t determine where steps in the process could run more smoothly.

Stop rebelling against the man and start writing it out!

Because the only way you are going to grow is by having best practices in place and written out. You need to ensure your systems are ready and working so you can move to that next level.

So, how do you get started? Because I’m such a rebel, lol, I like to start with post it notes. Do a brain dump of all the steps, all of the “If this than this”, and all of the tools you would need.

Then, start to organize it. Run through it and make sure you aren’t missing anything. Share it with someone and see if they can think of anything that’s missing or tell them to try and poke holes in it. That way you know where your process might be weak.

Then refine it as you go, and know that it’s ok to change it. I am constantly changing and refining my processes because my business is evolving and growing.

You’ve got this!


PS. Need some help with this? I help my clients with communication, confidence, leadership, processes and systems, solutions, and solve tons of problems! Sign up for a free consult to learn more and get some clarity on moving forward!

Lindsey Leuschen