Controlling Your Mindset

Your brain is your super power! You guys, I'm not joking. Our thoughts are one of the most powerful things.

On average we have between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day. Sometimes, well most of the time, we don't even recognize them.

What if I told you that you could control them?

THIS IS SO POWERFUL! Life changing!

So why would you want this? Are you feeling stuck? Afraid to make decisions and move forward? Sitting in confusion? Struggling at work? Do you have goals, but you never reach them? Or you don't even get started? Do you question yourself? Are you unhappy?

The first step is to be more mindful. Aware of the thoughts you are allowing to occupy your brain. By being aware it’s going to allow you to be more intentional.

Next do a brain dump, set a timer and write out every thought you are having. After the timer goes off, go through the list and ask yourself if the thought is fact or story. Is it real or something you just “think is real”. Just putting it on paper and debunking the thought is going to help you.

However, I want you to take it one step further. What is a different thought you could replace it with that would serve you and your goal? Replacing the negative with a positive is going to flip a switch to help you move forward.

Just by doing these two things you are going to start to feel more in control, confident, and excited about each day.


PS. Need some help controlling your thoughts? Message me for a free consult so I can show you how to get started!

Lindsey Leuschen