Find Your Joy

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Lacking JOY?
"What brings you joy" is a question I often ask my clients. With no hesitation they can easily name off 5 things that fill their cup.

I will follow that question up with "when was the last time you did those things?" SILENCE

We know what makes us happy and fills our hearts, but we don't make it a habit or priority to do them on a normal basis. Life gets busy and sometimes the amount of things we have on our plates are just too great.

The joyful things are not viewed as a necessity.

Then, we go into this mode of lack of happiness or burn out.

It's because you are not taking time to do ALL the things that fill you up.

It’s so important to have a list handy so that way when “your not feeling it” you don’t have to be creative.

ACTION STEP: Make a list of 5 or more things that bring you joy. Then find a way to do more that more regularly!


PS. Feeling negative and in a funk? Want some help getting started to find your happy again? Message me for a free consult to see how to get started!

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