Imposters Syndrome

Ever hear the phrase "fake it till you make it"?

So many times in our professional life we come across a new role, project, product or service, business adventure, or task that we are unsure of how to conquer. Then our thoughts take over.

Can I really do this?
Who am I to take on such a thing?
I don't know the first thing on how to do this.
What if people realize I'm in over my head?
I can't ask questions because I should just know what's next.
What if I fail?

We feel like an imposter in our own life. That we are not worthy of the responsibilities we have been given. We don't have enough knowledge to be the expert. Imposters Syndrome reflects a belief that you’re inadequate and incompetent failure despite evidence that indicates you’re skilled and quite successful.

Surprisingly this can sneak up on you any given moment. You could complete a task or project with ease and success one minute and then spiral out of control the next because you may not know the answer to something else.

It's amazing how our brains work. It's even more amazing how quickly we believe it.

What if I told you that you don't have to "fake it till you make it"? That you could control these thoughts and make them serve you. Mental strength is so important! It encompasses your mindset, confidence, and determination.

The first step to working through this is simply becoming more mindful. Analyze your thought and determine if it’s facts or stories. Debunk it and then find a different thought that could serve you.

Example: “I have no idea how to get started”. Fact or story? I bet that ones a story. You probably have a few ideas on how to get started, but not sure on which one is the clear path. That’s ok, you just have to choose the best one in that moment and move forward. A thought you can change that to is “I can figure this out” or “I can try this and tweak it as I go along”.

Second step to working through this is to start to build on your confidence. Sit down at the end of each day for 5 minutes and write out everything that day that you did well. It doesn’t have to be HUGE things, it could be simple and small. EVERY victory. Keep them in the same notebook if possible.

These little wins are going to start to build bigger and bigger!

These two steps are going to help you take charge, be 100% authentic, confident, and excited about being YOU!


PS. Need some help in this area? I would love to help. Message me for a free consult to figure out how to feel more confident in this area!