Why Creating a Morning Routine Will Help Your Mindset

Creating a morning routine.

You guys, I’m not a morning person either. In fact, my entire family is not allowed to speak to me until I’ve had my first cup of coffee. However, having a morning routine doesn’t mean you have to be a morning person. It simply means you start each day with your best foot forward.

Our productivity and drive are at the highest in the morning. That’s why it’s so important for us to focus on the toughest stuff first thing. For some that means responding to emails and others it means avoiding emails and digging into projects. In order to utilize the moment and get it started as early as possible a morning routine is key.

For me what that looks like is a few things, 5 things actually. Bible, book, gratitude, thoughts, and a plan. I wake up before everyone else, because I need the peace. While drinking my coffee I take a few minutes to do whatever it is I want. Once I’m fully awake (15-20 minutes after waking) that’s when my day kicks off.

Bible - First thing I do is a daily devotional. You could even do 5 minutes of meditation instead.

Book - I take 20 minutes (or more) and read. Not a romance novel or a conspiracy theory, but a book that is educational. This helps me to grow both personally and professionally.

Gratitude - I write out at least 5 things I am grateful for. You heard me, write it out! They are not big grand gestures, but small things I really appreciate. By doing this, it allows me to look for good things throughout my day. If you are really struggling with a specific area of your life, make sure to include a few things in that area that you are grateful for.

Thoughts - This is especially important if I am spinning. I analyze what it is I’m really thinking and determine if it’s a fact or story.

Plan - Next I plan out my day. I’m not a minute by minute planner, but rather 3-5 things that have to get done that day in order for me to feel successful. Having a plan is going to make it easier when you start to lose your steam in the afternoon.

Figure out what this looks like for you. Start with one or two things and then add on if you feel like it needs more. The key is to be consistent!
