The Power of Networking in Business : Driving profitability for your business

If you are a business owner today, or have an idea sparkling down your nerves, it is important for you to acknowledge the fact that Networking is almost as intrinsic to an idea for a business as a financial investment is. As a business coach and a leadership coach, I regularly run into clients that underestimate the power of networking for business development and hesitate to allocate a specific budget towards this extremely important aspect of profitability. At Empower Consulting, we have programs that guide you to build a strong network for your business.

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How to Avoid Burnout

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged and excessive stress. It can lead to a decreased sense of accomplishment, feelings of detachment, and a lack of motivation. Here are some tips to help you avoid burnout:

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Lindsey Leuschen
Grateful for Hard

I'm really grateful for how tough this year was for me.

You never would have caught me saying that six-nine months ago, I was in the trenches and ready to quit my business. Yes, I almost gave up this year. Not because business was bad, but because business was HARD and lonely.

At the beginning of this year I had some family stuff come up and I had to juggle a lot! Me being the independent (the word is stubborn if you ask my husband 🤣) person I am, I took on all of it. In order for me to do that I had to shove, and I mean SHOVE, all my feelings to the side and push forward.

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Lindsey Leuschen
Enough to Authentic

Anyone else choose a word for the year? Mine for this year started out as ENOUGH and has shifted into AUTHENTIC. Yes, you can change your word at any time, I give you permission :-) At the beginning of the year I felt like I had something to prove: my value, that I belonged in the room, my knowledge, my experience mattered...I just didn't feel like I was enough.

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Lindsey Leuschen
Don't Be a Fixer!

We were at a sporting practice last night, and I was trying to encourage my teenage son to join in with some of the other kids in his grade. He responded with "none of them like me" and it followed with some watery eyes. Man, my mama heart hurt and I wanted to fix it. But I didn't.

We stood there in silence, because he didn't need me to fix it, he just needed me to be there and in it with him. Which is exactly what I did. It just took some eye contact, a smile, and my presence, that's all.

You see, in that moment, no matter what I could have said he was not in the right state of mind to hear it.

His thoughts were so loud and in charge, that no matter what positive reinforcements I could have given him, they would have landed on deaf ears.

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Lindsey Leuschen
Process Rebel

I never thought I was systems person. Ask me what my processes was and I would say “I don’t have one”, and was kind of proud of it. Like I was rebelling against the man. I don’t like being told what to do, even by myself. Yes, saying that out loud made me laugh too!

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Lindsey Leuschen
Fear of Failure

Are you living with a fear of failure? Not taking action because you don’t want to fail? Are you sitting on the sidelines and just watching life go by? Are you playing small because you are afraid of being too big? Learn how to productively fail!

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Lindsey Leuschen
Being Heard and Feeling Valued

I don’t know about you but if someone tells me what to do and I’m not in the right mindset, or this person hasn’t earned my respect, my immediate response is “you are NOT the boss of me”. I realize that this comes off childish and I probably shouldn’t say it out loud, but chances are if I feel this way so are others.

There is a lesson here for everyone. Whether you are a business owner, leader, sales rep, a parent…

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Lindsey Leuschen